Breaking: Suicide Machine Debuts At Funeral Fair

Suicide Machine Debuts At Funeral Fair

While some new lines of caskets were on display at a funeral fair, so was something to get you into them.

A machine that gives people a way to kill themselves is a real crowd-pleaser. The suicide pod on display at a funeral show in Amsterdam drew big crowds over the weekend. The invention of an Australian euthanasia activist and a Dutch designer is mounted on a stand with a nitrogen canister. The inventors say a person who wants to die pushes a button and the pod fills with nitrogen.

They say that causes the person to quickly pass out and die. The inventors hope to build the first fully-functioning machine before the end of this year. Then, they'll put the design online as an open-source document people can download and 3D-print their very own suicide machine.

The makers used VR goggles to show people how it works.

Source: Guardian

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