7 Fights To Have Before You get Married!

It’s a fact: even happy couples fight. There’s just no way around it. If you really love each other, you’ll take your frustrations out in an argument from time to time – but before you fret, consider that these arguments can actually help the relationship succeed. Here are the discussions (or even fights) you should get out of your systems before you tie the knot:


  • Do you want children or not? How many?

  • What boundaries do you want to set with your in-laws?

  • How are you going to handle religion?

  • How will you distribute the dirty work?

  • What debts are we going to have to take on?

  • How often do you want to have sex and during what time of day?

  • How will you deal with needing space?


Getting these discussions out of the way can really clear up some hairy arguments down the road. The last thing you want to do is have your partner expecting sex every single day when you’re a twice a week kind of gal!


Source: Greatist

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