Girl Orders $350 Worth Of Toys On Amazon!

Many kids have tried to order stuff online behind their parents’ backs, but most of the time they don’t get away with their sneaky shopping. But one little girl in Utah managed to load up her mom’s Amazon cart, place the order, and have it all delivered before her mom and dad had a clue.

Caitlin is an Internet-savvy six-year-old who was allowed to order a Barbie doll from Amazon for her birthday. She coyly asked her parents if she could go back online to find out when her present would arrive. And that’s when she treated herself to dozens of toys, video games, and more. Her mom and dad had no idea what she’d done until the delivery driver showed up and started unloading boxes.

Ria Diyaolu, Caitlin’s older cousin, shared the story on Twitter, along with a photo of “how everyone found out.” It showed the adorable little girl standing next to a stack of packages that was literally as tall as her. 

Turns out, when the secret shopper’s mom checked her Amazon account, she found three pages worth of items ordered by Caitlin, with a grand total of $350 spent. Consider yourselves warned, parents.

Source: PopSugar

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