Low-Impact Workouts That Burn The Most Calories!

Want to torch a ton of calories without getting hurt? Certified strength and conditioning coach Taylor Hynes says low-impact workouts could be just what you need. Low-impact training minimizes risks for pounding, jarring, and shearing forces on the body’s joints, but it doesn’t mean low-intensity.

Hynes says as long as the intensity of your work to rest ratio is appropriate and the intensity of your session is high enough, then you can burn an equal amount of calories with a low-impact workout as a high-impact one. As for which ones burn the most calories, she advises these exercises that improve fitness but won’t strain your body.

  • Swimming - Get your heart-rate up and it can burn a lot of calories, using a kickboard or water jogging can help do that.

  • Kettlebell routines - Add them to your bodyweight exercises, like squats and reverse lunges to work your entire body.

  • Cycling - Whether it’s in a spin class or in the great outdoors, riding a bicycle is a powerful non-impact exercise. The terrain you ride on will affect the intensity of your sweat sesh, but for a massive calorie burn, you need to ride 45 to 90 minutes.

  • Yoga - It seems like a chill exercise, but yoga can be a major calorie burner. The high repetition and variety of movements in yoga sculpt classes make the session intense and give full-body results.

  • Metabolic strength circuits - Get your heart racing by pairing smart exercises together with short rest windows.

  • Rowing - Here it’s all about technique, and yours needs to be spot-on so you don’t overuse or get imbalance injuries.

Source: Insider

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