You Are Better Off Being Single, According To Science!

Hey single people, congrats! You made it through another Valentine’s Day. And if you’re feeling down at all about not being coupled up after the holiday that’s all about celebrating love, get this: science says being single is actually better for you.Here are some science-backed benefits to being on your own:

  • Single people are healthier- Some research has shown that singles get more exercise than married couples. According to one study, divorced people do more physical activity than married ones, but the most active of all are those who’ve always been single. And another studyfound that singles in nine countries in Europe had a lower body mass index than married people and weighed around five pounds less overall.
  • Singles are better at keeping friends- People who’ve always been single are more attentive to their friends and family than married folks and put in more effort to keep sibling relationships strong, according to one study.
  • They’re better with money- Being single has a financial advantage, too.According to, 27% of married couples without kids have credit card debt, and 36% of married couples with kids do, compared to just 21% of singles with credit card debt.
  • Being single can mean doing better at work-Researchhas shown singles are more likely to “value meaningful work,” since not spending time maintaining a relationship gives them more time for their careers.
  • Being alone can be less stressful- Not having to deal with relationship issueslike coupled up people does have its advantages.
  • Singles are more self-sufficient- Learning to appreciate alone time and realizing you can take care of yourself is important and studieshave shown that the more self-sufficient people are, the less likely they are to have negative emotions.


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