Many Parents Admit To Having Picky Eaters!

Mealtime can certainly be a hassle for parents, especially if you have kids who are fussy eaters and simply refuse to eat the food you make for them. And apparently that’s happening to a lot of parents these days.

A new UK poll, which could easily translate here, finds that 60% of parents would consider their children picky eaters. What’s more, the average parent says their child will refuse to eat two of the meals they made for them each week, while another two will only be picked at.

And all this fussy eating is putting a lot of stress on parents, with 45% saying they spend more time in the kitchen than they need to because they are trying to please everyone. Plus, 50% say they feel they have to cook more than one meal each night so everyone will eat. And parents definitely don’t want to be doing so much cooking, with 60% wishing just one meal would satisfy everyone in their family. 

Of course, there are some foods that are incredibly difficult to get kids to eat, with the poll finding mushrooms to be the worst.Other foods parents have a hard time getting kids to eat include:

  • Onions
  • Cauliflower
  • Pesto
  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Peanut butter
  • Broccoli
  • Lettuce
  • And some kids are fussy about more than just how the food tastes. In fact, 20% of parents say their child won’t eat anything that’s green, while one in six kids won’t eat bread unless the crusts are cut off, and another 16% demand that all of their food is separate and not touching.

Source:SWNS Digital

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