7 Small Ways You May Be Cheating On Your S.O!

We go into details about each of these mini betrayals on the show! You can listen to the segment below!

Most of us think that cheating is the ultimate act of relationship betrayal. But people don't just suddenly decide to trash their marriage vows like that out of nowhere.

Usually, this starts with dozens of mini betrayals. Things that occur in your marriage that slowly but surely crack the relationship's foundation.

So, what exactly are these mini betrayals? Here's the list:

1. You have secret relationships.

2. You hide money.

3. You complain about your partner to other people.

4. You undermine your partner in public.

5. You're emotionally dishonest.

6. You're straight up selfish.

7. You stonewall or withhold emotion/affection with your partner until you get your way.

Source: Belief Net

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