Summer "fails" - try to avoid these!!!

Want to have a winning Summer? Then avoid these “Summer fails.” According to a new survey by Maui Jim sunglasses, the average American will experience 104 “Summer fails”...

Top 10 Most Common “Summer Fails”:

  1. Watching too much TV
  2. Not wearing a hat in the sun
  3. Not sleeping enough
  4. Not reapplying sunscreen as necessary
  5. Sitting all day
  6. Skipping the eye cream
  7. Staring at your phone all day
  8. Being too active outside
  9. Wearing tight, dark colored clothing
  10. Drinking too many cocktails/beer (SWNS)

I must admit, my favorite season is Winter...but Summer is exciting! Hanging outside, at the pool, or the lake...beach trips and camping...outdoor movies...concerts...I mean, what's not to like? Plus, all the sunshine! No Seasonal Affective Disorder!

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