Your Cat's Personality May Be a Direct Reflection Of Your Own

When I saw this floating around Facebook, I didn't really think it'd be much of a "study" but this actually seems legit. The gist of this study is those pet owners with a higher owner conscientiousness tend to have cats that are less anxious, less aggressive and less avoidant. Those who have higher owner neuroticism tend to have cats with more behavioral problems, who are more aggressive and anxious and who are more overweight. Camilla is an interesting character. She meets me at the door most days, is always around, never skiddish and stands her ground... with people and the dog. She doesn't run away from things she doesn't like, she battles them out. Instead of running away from the dog she swats and hisses at her. Instead of running away from you when she doesn't want to be pet, she just bites you. I don't know what that says about her... and ever more concerning, what does it say about me?! Anyone a pet psychic?

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