The National Zoo has announced plans for Bei's Bei's farewell celebration

You may have heard me mention before that I am a panda FANATIC...been obsessed with them since I was a little girl. My lifelong panda collection decorates the guest room in our house...I have a panda tattoo...I cried when Tai Shan left DC...and now I'm stocking up on Kleenex for when Bei Bei departs the National Zoo for his trip to China.

You see, when it comes to breeding pandas and any cubs that are born here, DC's deal with China's Wildlife Conservation Association states that all pandas must move to China when they are 4 years old. Bei Bei celebrated birthday #4 on August's time to say goodbye.

And the zoo has announced that Bei Bei will be leaving the nation's capital SOON - on November 19th.


BUT...we panda lovers will have a chance to say goodbye to the beloved resident of DC and our National Zoo. Here's what's planned, from November 11th through the 18th.

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