Get off social media - and get free beer!

Miller Light is taking the bold step of inviting their customers to UN-follow them on social media -- and will reward those customers by giving them free beer. The beer company wants to bring back “Miller Time.” And to increase the chance of that happening, they want people to look up from their phones and enjoy life. You know … real life. With real people. (KABC-TV)

Here's what to do:

  • Text a screenshot proving that you unfollowed Miller Lite to sure to include the keyword “UNFOLLOW.”
  • Miller Lite will send you a link where you can upload a receipt from your purchase of Miller Lite.
  • Your first round of beer (up to $8) will be credited back to your PayPal.

The offer is limited to the first 118,000 submissions, so get busy!

You may have seen this commercial during Game 1 of the World Series:

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