A Man Is Live Streaming a 10-Year-Old McDonald's Cheeseburger

A man in Iceland had heard about how McDonald's hamburgers and fries never decompose. He thought he would test that theory after McDonald's closed all its restaurants in Iceland back in 2009.

Last week was the 10 year anniversary of when the burger and fries were purchased and it looks like he got them yesterday. The meal hasn't aged a bit. We know this because the man has been live-streaming the hamburger and fries so that curious observers could log on and check it out for themselves. You can check it out from its current location in a glass cabinet in Snotra House, a hostel in southern Iceland.  

The hostel claims that people come from around the world to visit the burger, and the website receives up to 400,000 hits daily.

You can check out the live-stream here.

Source: BBC 

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