We met so many incredible kids and families during our 2019 #WASH4KIDS Radiothon that we introduced you to on-air and now we want to introduce you online!
Meet Rosie and her mom, Kelsey!
Rosie was a patient at Children’s National Hospital at just 3 months old because she was having difficulty breathing & her ribs were pulsing. She arrived via their helicopter, SkyBear, and was brought back to health! Rosie is now 11 months old & is taking her first steps.�
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Sully was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma at age 5 and doctors diagnosed that 95% of his bone marrow was cancerous.
After 28 rounds of chemo, 5 surgeries, radiation, stem cell transplant and immunotherapy, Sully is cancer free!
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Tyler suffered a stroke in utero, which caused him to have epileptic seizures beginning at birth. Thanks to a successful hemispherectomy, Tyler is now 6 years seizure free!
Thanks to Children’s National Hospital, Jenni’s neighbor Amanda received all the treatment she needed after discovering she had a rare bone cancer called Ewing’s sarcoma at 2 years old. Her treatment included chemotherapy and leg amputation and now Amanda is doing what she loves including playing basketball! When you take part in our WASH 4 Kids Radiothon presented by Mattress Warehouse, you can help more than 17,000 kids who come to Children’s National for surgeries each year
Traci's daughter Reese suffered her first seizure at 5 years old and was diagnosed with epilepsy. Thanks to Children’s National Hospital, Reese has gotten the support she needs and is no longer afraid to live her life to the fullest!
Tess & Alexander are 16-year-old twins who were born with Cerebral Palsy who have received cutting-edge treatment from Children’s National Hospital that has made their progress truly remarkable.They were brought to Children's after their mother noticed that both of them were experiencing developmental delays and upon their diagnosis, Tess & Alexander started treatment immediately with a host of specialists, including neurologists, occupational therapists and physical therapists.
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At 2, Brooke was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). It quickly became clear that her best chance of survival would be a bone marrow transplant, but the likelihood of finding a donor would be slim. Luckily, her 5-year-old sister Caitlin was a perfect match. The gift of Caitlin’s bone marrow saved her sister’s life. Today, Brooke, 11, and Caitlin, 14, are the best of friends (usually) and have a happy and healthy life ahead.. together.
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Olivia was a happy, healthy 6-month-old baby when doctors discovered that she had an enlarged heart. She waited 100 days in the Children’s National Hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for a heart transplant and has been thriving for the past 13 years thanks to Miracle Makers like you!
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