While I'm glad families took the warnings against Trick or Treating seriously, I am sad that Halloween 2020 was a complete bust. Halloween is my favorite "holiday", and we usually celebrate the entire month with parties, the annual Sea Witch parade in Rehoboth Beach, and of course Trick or Treating on Halloween night.
This year we dressed up, and were hoping to have somewhat of a block party in our cul-de-sac, but a lot of kids and families stayed indoors. It was pretty heart breaking at one point when my daughter Eleanor went inside and just cried into her pillow. Fortunately, she ended up finding a friend from school and jumping in her bounce house they had set up in the front yard.
I didn't expect there to be many Trick or Treaters, if any at all... but I did buy a big bag of candy just to make sure. Now, I am left with a big bag of Halloween candy. Fortunately The Today Show has shared their list of six ways to donate your leftover candy to a good cause.