Welcome to Spring cleaning season! While you're giving your place a makeover, here are some things to focus on that mental health experts say are the biggest stress inducers.
Messes. Whether it’s a pile of dishes or a floor filled with dirty clothes, messes can all be stressful AF. Therapists agree that getting organized with how you store things and working on your cleaning habits could be a major boost to your mental health. As therapistMark Loewenputs it, “by freeing up space, you are giving your mind a break, too.”
Insufficient Lighting. Lighting isn’t only important for your Zoom calls, it’s huge for your mental health too. According to psychotherapist Cecille Ahrens, “depression is helped by white and green light.” And since you can’t get much better light than the sun, it’s best to open those blinds at home and let it in as much as possible.
Working And Relaxing In The Same Space. If you’re doing your me-time in the same place you just did you nine-to-five, therapists say you’re doing things all wrong. Therapist Ariel Sank says that “by creating a separate area [...] you are not only creating a physical separation but a mental separation from the two.” Obviously, not everyone has the luxury of taking over a spare room for their office but the experts say even if you just switch to a different chair to relax in you should see your stress levels go down.
Check out more stress inducers at home HERE.
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