How to Feel Less Stress About Returning Back to Work

If you’ve been enjoying working remotely, the email from your boss to come back in can hit like a ton of bricks. Here are some tips from the experts on how to beat your back to work anxiety.

Know what support is available to you. While people are concerned about fitting into their work clothes again, the main thing people are still afraid of is COVID-19. That’s why it’s important to familiarize yourself with your company's policies regarding the virus and keeping people safe. Psychologist Dr. Mario Weick says “knowing what exactly is happening can increase one’s sense of control, which in turn reduces anxiety.”

Routine, routine, routine. Remember when you never thought you would be able to get into a work routine at home? It may have taken some trying but you figured it out. It will be the same with returning to the office. Give yourself some time to ease back into things.

Focus on the positives. It’s pretty easy to think of the negatives of going back to the office but doing that is only going to make things even worse. So try to concentrate on the good things like getting to see your favorite coworkers in person again. And less Zoom.


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