#LIFEHACK: Why you should NOT over-apologize!

For some people, apologizing is like breathing. The word “sorry” just flows out of them like it’s nothing at all and it’s used to the point of being meaningless. Psychologist Kelly Hendricks says “those who over-apologize often feel like a burden to others, as if their wants and needs are not important.” But since that’s not true at all, here are some ways to start eliminating sorry from your vocabulary.

● Change “I’m so sorry I’m late” to “waiting for someone who’s chronically late totally sucks.” See how one sounds like you don’t actually empathize with them while the other takes their experience into account and makes it clear you messed up?

● Replace “I’m sorry to interrupt” with “I appreciate that thought, but what I wanted to say is...” Leading with your appreciation instead of an apology will let them know they’re been heard but you’re ready to move on.

● Stop apologizing when asking someone a favor. Saying “sorry I have to ask you for this” before launching into a big ask isn’t going to make it any more well-received than something like “I’d really appreciate your help when you have a minute.” You get to keep that sorry in your back pocket for when you really need it and they will still help you without all the self-deprecating.

● You can often replace “sorry” with “thank you.” Instead of apologizing when someone critiques your work, thank them for setting you straight. Even if you aren’t, they will appreciate the gratitude.

Source: LifeHacker

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