#WARNING: Someone is putting NAILS, SCREWS on a local road! WATCH OUT!


This is happening in Suburban DC, but could be happening ANYWHERE in across the #iHeartNation because people are complete MORONS and just have no respect for others or their property!

Cops in Montgomery County, Maryland, are looking for whomever is placing boards with NAILS and SCREWS in the roadway along BEACH DRIVE... because clearly TIRES and ROADS and NAILS and SCREWS just don't mix.

While they don't have any suspects... yet, chances are good they will... and will soon! So if your travels take you to the DC-area... or if you know anyone in the area, send 'em this link... and tell 'em to be on the LOOKOUT!

Idiots. I hope the cops catch whomever is doing this... and soon.

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