#TRAVEL: Have you seen the LONDON BRIDGE... in ARIZONA?

Let's learn something new together...

There's a LONDON BRIDGE in ARIZONA. And, it's the real LONDON BRIDGE. Like, the one in LONDON, only NOT in London.

See, back in 1968, some businessman name Robert McCulloch bought the bridge and moved it to Lake Havasu, Arizona. The entire bridge was put up for sal eback in the day because English officials realized the bridge was SINKING. So he bought it. And moved it. Piece by piece.

In total, it cost about 2.46 MILLION but getting it to the states was a pain. The bridge had to be dissembled, moves, brick by brick, and shipped to Arizona. That took three years and SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS... but on October 10th, 1971, the bridge was done. Now, it's one of the most toured attractions in Arizona!

Who knew? The LONDON BRIDGE... is in ARIZONA. And it's the OG BRIDGE, too!

Click here to learn more.

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