The Best Cities for Mental Health

Today is World Mental Health Day, and while there are a lot of things that play a role in someone’s mental health, where you live could be one of the key factors, and some cities are better for a person’s mental health than others.

  • Well, now the lawn care company LawnStarter has come out with a list of 2022’s Best Cities for Mental Health.
  • They looked at over 1.300 U.S. cities judging them on 33 criteria in areas of mental, physical, social, financial, and environmental factors.
  • Such factors include access to therapists, sleep levels, meditation classes, cost of living and more.
  • With all that in mind, Naperville, Illinois tops the list, earning a 71.07 out of 100, and landing in the Top 10 in the mental wellness and access rank. 

Top 10 Cities For Mental Health

(click here for the complete list)

  1. Naperville, IL
  2. Pasadena, CA
  3. Seattle, WA
  4. Fremont, CA
  5. San Francisco, CA
  6. Bellevue, WA
  7. Alexandria, VA
  8. Irvine, CA
  9. Fort Collins, CA
  10. Santa Rosa, CA

Source: LawnStarter

Photo: Getty Images

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