The Most Popular Wedding Date In 2023

When you get engaged and start to plan your wedding, one of the first major decisions to make is when you want to have it. Some people already have a time of year or even a specific date in mind, and it turns out some dates are much more in-demand than others. What’s known as peak wedding season runs from May to October and most weddings happen on the same day of the week - Saturday.

But this year, the most popular wedding date of the year is September 23rd, 2023, according to the wedding planning site The Knot. It’s a Saturday and it falls in that peak wedding season, but it’s also the double “23” that makes it appealing to so many couples. It makes the anniversary easier to remember and it turns out, those numbers are good in numerology, too.

According to numerologist Glynis McCants, 9/23/2023 is a “5, 5, 3” date, which she gets by adding the numbers. “In numerology, fives and threes are the light,” she explains. “They celebrate life. It’s about laughter, it’s about communication.” So McCants isn’t surprised that this date is so popular this year because she says “It’s exciting. It’s fun. It’s freedom … And it is definitely a party.”

Source: Parade

Photo: Getty Images

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