Getting A Divorce Could Boost Productivity

Going through a divorce can be awful and it’s considered one of the most stressful life events people experience. But new research reveals there could be a surprising silver lining for those splitting up: A boost in productivity at work.

A new study of people in the process of divorce finds that nearly 39% of them report that it actually had a positive effect on their job. They shared that it freed up time and energy, so they were more motivated and engaged at work, and more satisfied with their performance as a result. But the findings weren’t all good, as around 44% of respondents say divorce had a negative impact on their career.

Still, the fact that more than a third of people in the midst of a divorce found it led them to perform better at their jobs was surprising, even to study author Connie Wanberg, a professor at the University of Minnesota who researches people’s workplace experiences. “There is a societal assumption that divorce is always negative,” she explains. “Some of these individuals had been in very dysfunctional relationships and getting away from that relationship allowed them to have a new outlook on life.” So even with all the challenges that come with divorce, study authors conclude they can be outweighed by the benefits of escaping a really bad relationship.

Source: Hello Giggles

Photo: Getty Images

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