Try This 3-Second Decluttering Rule ASAP

Unless you’ve mastered Marie Kondo’s “life-changing magic of tidying up” and have only kept things that “spark joy” in your life, you probably have a lot of clutter at home, just like the rest of us. But a professional organizer who specializes in what she calls “chronic clutter” has a quick trick to help us get rid of stuff.

Kayleen Kelly has been in the organizing biz for nine years and she’s come up with a three-second decluttering rule she says is a game-changer. In a TikTok video, she explains that the method is supposed to help you create “quick and confident decisions” while decluttering. Here’s how it works:

  • If you’re going through a pile of jeans to decide what stays and what goes, give yourself three seconds to decide if each pair is a yes - a pair you keep - or a no - a pair that goes.
  • But if you hesitate and can’t decide that fast, Kelly says it’s an automatic keep.
  • If you feel like you have to try them on before you decide, they go in the keep pile for now.

The organizing pro emphasizes that it’s important to categorize before making decisions while decluttering. “That is the key to making definitive decisions that you won’t regret,” Kelly explains. “You have to see all of one category that you have in order to assess and know what you have and how much you want.” She says her three-second rule creates a sense of urgency and that challenge helps keep people engaged in the process while building confidence in their decision-making.

Source: NY Post

Photo: Getty Images

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