Breaking Free from Mom's Shadow: Simple Strategies to Avoid Becoming Her

Do you dread turning into your mother? Don't worry, we've got you covered with some simple strategies to avoid it. For starters, never avoid freeways or carry an umbrella in the car. And if you have a penchant for crocheted toilet paper holders or collecting plastic bags, it might be time to reconsider. And let's not forget about refrigerator magnets, because we all know those can get out of hand. So, take a deep breath, read on, and let's make sure you never have to compare your refrigerator to your mother's again.

If you’re scared of this happening, here are some helpful, simple strategies so this never happens:

• Never avoid freeways because you know a way.

• Never place your toilet paper in anything that could be construed as a toilet paper holder. If it’s crocheted or shaped like a poodle, you may as well surrender — it’s too late for you.

• Never carry an umbrella in the car.

• Never break in new shoes.

• Never pack sensibly for a trip.

• Never collect plastic bags.

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