Top Superhero Skills Moms Are Sure They Have

Do you think you’re the best mom in the world? Nearly three-quarters (73%) of mothers do, according to a new survey of 2-thousand moms conducted by OnePoll on behalf of It finds that eight in 10 believe they’re the driving force of their family and that their family would be lost without them.

The poll also reveals:

  • When moms need support, they turn to other moms (83%), family members (56%), their partners (52%), online parenting forums (46%), online blogs (43%) and social media (36%).
  • Social media can be especially helpful, as 71% of moms have used it to discover new parenting strategies and techniques.
  • But social media also has its downsides, with 66% of moms admitting they compare themselves to other parents online and 62% have second-guessed their parenting decisions because of social media.
  • Moms say the biggest challenge they face is managing their child’s educational activities (53%), a lack of time for self-care (51%) and financial struggles (48%).
  • Seven in 10 moms wish they had more time for themselves and eight in 10 would love to hire help for family and household responsibilities, if they could.
  • But moms also recognize that they possess some superhero skills, including problem-solving (52%), nurturing (50%), multitasking (41%), organization/time management (36%) and communication (34%).

Source: SWNS Digital

Photo: Getty Images

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