6 Places You Should NEVER Hit On Someone

Sure, hitting on someone can lead to something great, as long as you do it appropriately and respectfully. Not only should your words and actions be appropriate, but the location should be an appropriate one, too. Not every setting is an OK place to randomly go up to someone and start flirting with them.

There are some places and events that should totally be off-limits when it comes to hitting on someone. What are these places and instances? Here’s six of them. If you’re at any one of these, you probably want to think again before just going up to someone. It can come off as disrespectful, and then your chance with this person is completely ruined, forever.

  1. A funeral
  2. The gym
  3. A job interview
  4. Your therapist’s office
  5. On a plane
  6. The emergency room

Source: Your Tango

Photo: Getty Images

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