More Companies Are Offering Etiquette Classes To Their Employees

A new survey shows the growing trend of companies offering office etiquette classes to their employees. Currently, 45% of businesses provide etiquette training, and an additional 20% plan to offer it in the future. The main reasons cited for implementing these classes include addressing miscommunication, promoting professionalism, and creating a respectful work environment.

The skills covered in these etiquette classes include making polite conversation, dressing professionally, and writing professional emails. The training also emphasizes the importance of appropriate workplace conversations, discouraging discussions about sensitive topics like politics or religion, and treating everyone equally and fairly.

Of the companies offering or planning to offer etiquette training, 60% will require all employees to attend the classes. Some organizations also plan to make the training mandatory for new college graduates and employees aged 18-27, recognizing the need for Gen Z employees to develop office skills.

The shift to remote work during the pandemic has highlighted the importance of virtual etiquette, such as managing video call fatigue and effective online communication. The success of these classes has been noted by 99% of respondents whose companies already offer such training, with 65% rating them as highly successful.

Overall, companies see office etiquette training as a way to enhance interpersonal skills, professional conduct, and collaboration among employees, both in the physical office and virtual work environments.

Source: ResumeBuilder

Photo: Getty Images

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