Remember This Safety Hack On The First Day Of School

With kids heading back to school across the country, our social media feeds are full of photos of kids on the first day of school. A lot of those cuties are holding one of those first-day-of-school chalk signs and one expert warns they’re not a good idea.

According to Cathy Pedrayes, a cybersecurity expert and a mom, we’re giving away too much personal information about our kids in those signs. While parents may innocently include their kids’ school, teacher, favorite sports and activities, that’s revealing where your kids are most days. And that information can be used by hackers and other cyber criminals.

Pedrayes says it’s okay to have the signs say first day or the kid’s name, but that’s all you need to share on social media. The problem is that not everyone has good intentions, so less is more when it comes to revealing personal information online. Corporal Kenneth Hibbert Jr. of the Community Policing Unit of Prince George County Police Department in Maryland agrees with Pedrayes’ advice. “With technology and more people at home, we have more hackers taking advantage of everybody,” he says. “Kids and senior citizens are the vulnerable ones in society right now.”

Source: Cafe Mom

Photo: Getty Images

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