The Benefits Of Hitting The Snooze Button

Snoozing, the act of hitting the alarm clock's snooze button in the morning, is a common practice, but it has been surrounded by negative assumptions with little scientific research. According to Karyn O’Keefe, a Senior Lecturer at Massey University’s Sleep/Wake Research Centre, snoozing might actually help reduce morning grogginess by waking from a light stage of sleep. Some studies have shown that snoozing can keep people in lighter stages of sleep, making it easier to feel awake and get out of bed. However, the impact of snoozing on sleep quality and stress responses is still not fully understood. If snoozing is used due to a lack of good quality sleep or a changing sleep schedule, it's important to prioritize healthy sleep routines, but for those who find it helpful in their morning routine, it may be a valid strategy to feel ready for the day.

Source: Stuff

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