Winter Thermostat Settings for Savings and Comfort

As colder weather approaches, many people are considering when to turn on their heating systems. Despite a drop in the energy price cap to £1,923, energy bills are expected to remain high, prompting the need for cost-saving measures. The recommended thermostat setting for the winter months is between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius, as suggested by the Energy Saving Trust. The World Health Organization recommends around 18°C for healthy, well-dressed individuals, but this may vary depending on age and health. Newborns' rooms should be kept between 16 and 20°C, while older individuals are advised to heat their living areas to around 21°C and the rest of the home to an average of 18°C to avoid health risks. Turning down the thermostat by just one degree can save up to £145 on energy bills, but setting it too low can have negative health consequences, as it may lead to inefficient heating.

Source: MSN

Photo: Getty Images

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