Getting along with the people you work with can definitely make a job more enjoyable, but new research reveals a lot of folks are actually getting it on with their coworkers, too. According to a new survey from U.K. online gaming company RANT Casino, 43% of employees admit to having an affair with a colleague.

The poll of 38-hundred adults finds the majority of these trists happen in the workplace itself (25%), at work events (21%), on trips (14%) and meeting outside of work (17%). And it turns out, certain industries are statistically more likely to cheat than others.

Professions Most Likely to Cheat

  1. Sales - 14.5%
  2. Teacher, training, and education - 13.7%
  3. Healthcare - 12.5%
  4. Transport and logistics - 9.8%
  5. Hospitality and events management - 7.7%
  6. Engineering and manufacturing - 6.6%
  7. Property and construction - 5.5%
  8. Accountancy, banking and finance - 5.4%
  9. Information technology - 4.6%
  10. Armed Forces - 4%

Professions Least Likely to Cheat

  1. Science and pharmaceuticals - 0.1%
  2. Business, consulting and management - 0.1%
  3. Law enforcement and security - 0.2%
  4. Creative arts and design - 0.4%
  5. Media and internet - 0.5%
  6. Law/Legal - 0.5%
  7. Environment and agriculture - 0.6%
  8. Marketing, advertising and PR - 0.9%
  9. Public services and administration - 1.3%
  10. Retail - 1.4%

Source: Yahoo Finance

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