Survey Reveals What Americans Value Most During a Crisis

A recent survey highlights that Americans are more likely to grab their cell phones than their Social Security cards during an emergency evacuation. Conducted by Talker Research for Master Lock, the survey of 2,000 U.S. adults explored what items different generations prioritize in emergencies.

Gen Zers prefer to take their laptops or shoes over prescription medications. Meanwhile, baby boomers would choose jewelry like wedding bands over essentials such as water and food. Sentimental items, like family heirlooms and photo albums, also ranked high across all generations.

Interestingly, while 65% of Americans are more prepared for emergencies than they were a decade ago, many lack critical items like dust masks and local maps. Despite this, common preparedness items such as flashlights, first aid kits, and batteries are found in many homes.

As concerns over natural disasters grow, 86% of respondents emphasize the importance of having an evacuation plan, and 81% prioritize securing their belongings in fireproof or waterproof safes.

The study underscores the emotional attachment Americans have to their belongings, with many willing to sacrifice conveniences or drain their savings to protect sentimental items. While most people keep valuables in their wallets, closets, or drawers, only a small percentage use secure safes.

Photo: Getty

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