Houston’s $1-a-Minute Late Pickup Policy: Fair Fee or Foul Play?

You know how it feels when you’re running late—maybe there’s traffic, a last-minute meeting, or a meltdown at the grocery store. But at Herrera Elementary School in North Houston, being late could cost you more than just stress. Try $1 per minute. Per child. After 3:30 PM. 😳

Yep, you read that right. Parents are questioning a policy that charges them cold, hard cash for every minute they’re late picking up their kids. The school says it’s using these fees to pay office staff who supervise the kids after hours, but not everyone’s buying it. 💸⏰

The principal insists the policy is about fairness—after all, staff time isn’t free. But here’s where it gets sticky: The president of Texas Support Personnel Employees Local 1 claims this policy hasn’t been approved by the Houston Independent School District (HISD) board. Translation? It might not even be legit. 🚨🧐

Parents are torn. On one hand, it’s understandable that staff deserve compensation for staying late. On the other, $1 per minute adds up fast, and for families already juggling tight schedules and budgets, it feels more like punishment than policy. 📅💼

The debate raises bigger questions: Should schools penalize parents for being late? And if they do, where’s the line between fairness and excessive fees? One thing’s for sure—this policy is giving parents plenty to talk about, and not all of it’s good.

Hashtagged for reflection: #LateGate #ParentPenalties #IsThisFair

Your turn! Do you think $1 per minute is fair, or is it too much? Let me know in the comments—no late fees for replies, promise. 🕒⬇️

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