Bizarre Selfie Moment After Car Crash

In an incident that left many scratching their heads, two women involved in a severe car crash in Cuernavaca, Mexico, decided to take selfies right after crawling out of the wreckage, bloodied and injured.

The Incident

The crash occurred in the Lomas del Mirador neighborhood on a Saturday. The car, carrying five women, overturned, leaving the passengers with various injuries. As emergency responders and bystanders gathered, two of the injured women, covered in blood and struggling to move, took out their cell phones to snap selfies just inches from the wrecked vehicle.

The Aftermath

Harrowing photos captured the scene, showing the two women posing despite their visible injuries and the chaotic surroundings. Their actions baffled onlookers, many of whom were shocked to see the women prioritizing selfies over seeking immediate medical help.

Even after police arrived and helped the injured women move to a safer area while waiting for medical assistance, the pair continued to document their injuries with selfies. One of the women, who could barely walk and needed assistance from an officer, still managed to pose for another photo, underscoring the bizarre and somewhat concerning nature of their behavior.

Social Media Obsession?

This incident raises questions about the impact of social media on our behavior, even in dire situations. The need to document and share every moment, regardless of the circumstances, suggests a deeper societal issue where the quest for online validation can overshadow personal well-being and safety.

In a world increasingly driven by social media, this event serves as a stark reminder to prioritize real-life safety and health over virtual approval.

Photo: Getty

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