How Long Should Your Shower Be? Tips for Healthy Skin

There's nothing like a long, hot shower to make you feel refreshed. Inspired by TikTok’s "everything shower" trend, many spend hours exfoliating and moisturizing. However, new research by Dove reveals that for 48% of people, showering takes the most time in their beauty routine, and nine out of ten Brits suffer from dry skin, with 85% blaming their showers.

The Link Between Long Showers and Dry Skin

Dermatologist Emma Amoafo-Mensah explains that long showers with hot water strip away the skin’s natural oils. Without these oils, water evaporates more quickly through a process called Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL), causing tightness and dryness. Long, hot showers and abrasive scrubs exacerbate this issue.

Is Soap Necessary?

Yes, soap is necessary. Dr. Ross Perry of Cosmedics skin clinics emphasizes that water alone isn't enough to clean the skin. "Water can’t remove dirt, bacteria, and germs because they cling to the skin's natural oils," he explains.

Optimal Shower Time

To protect your skin, limit your shower time. "Many people spend too long in the shower. The optimal time should be less than ten minutes," advises Emma. Longer showers increase the risk of dryness and irritation, especially with hot water.

Moisturize to Protect Your Skin

Moisturizing is key. "When skin isn't properly moisturized, it can become irritated and itchy," Emma explains. Use products that replenish and lock in moisture, like Dove’s Advanced Care Body Wash, to boost and retain moisture levels post-shower.

Keeping showers under ten minutes, using the right cleansers, and moisturizing regularly will help maintain healthy skin.

Photo: Getty

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