Alexandria Launches Exciting Photo Challenge

In the digital age, everyone with a smartphone can be a photographer. Alexandria, Virginia, is tapping into this trend with a new photo challenge that invites locals and visitors to showcase their best snapshots of the city.

“We want to see the city through their eyes,” says city spokeswoman Katie Bishop. Alexandria boasts numerous historical landmarks, and the challenge encourages participants to capture these iconic sites. Bishop also suggests that public gatherings, fun events, and the city’s natural beauty along the waterfront are perfect subjects for this contest.

Participants can submit up to five photos, along with their name, email address, and Instagram handle. The best photos will be featured on the City of Alexandria’s social media platforms, and winners will receive a gift bag full of prizes. Additionally, winning photos will be displayed at various city facilities.

Bishop expects around 10 winners to be selected, highlighting the city's vibrant spirit through their lenses. This photo challenge is part of Alexandria's 275th-anniversary celebrations, which have included a symphony concert and a fireworks display at Oronoco Bay Park on July 13.

As the year progresses, more events are planned to commemorate the city's rich history and vibrant community. “We have been recognizing what makes Alexandria a great place to live and visit,” Bishop remarks. “We want to honor our past two centuries of progress and amplify our community's shared experiences.”

The photo contest is open for submissions until November. So, grab your camera and start capturing the essence of Alexandria!

Photo: Getty

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