

As a native Washingtonian, Chilli Amar has informed and entertained listeners in the DC area since 1996. She joined the morning show on 97.1 WASH FM...Full Bio


YouTube Helped This Woman Deliver Her Own Baby In Hotel!

A woman who “doubted” that she was pregnant used YouTube videos to learn how to deliver her own baby after she went into labor alone in a hotel room.

Tia Freeman, 22, from Nashville, Tennessee, was traveling from the US to Germany when she started suffering contractions as she landed for a stopover in Istanbul, Turkey.

Speaking about the ordeal, which took place this March, Freeman revealed she had been in “denial” — having only been told about her pregnancy at six months.

Taking to Twitter, Freeman told how she had first assumed her pains were caused by food poisoning from salmon she’d eaten on the plane.

It was only when she was going through customs that she realized what she was experiencing was labor.

Freeman, a computer specialist in the US Air Force, shared the details of her amazing story on Twitter — where thousands have now shared the tale.

You can read the FULL thread below!

After going to the hospital, she was given the all-clear and spent another two weeks in Turkey, fully paid for by Turkish Airlines.

Source: NY Post

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