We did it. We finally made a decision on whether to send Donato back to school two-days a week....or go virtual full-time. If you’re a Fairfax County school parent, then you know our deadline to make a decision is this Wednesday (July 15th). It has been the most stressful couple of weeks of my life. I changed my mind between the two choices at least a thousand times a day. I prayed so hard for clarity and peace of mind. I cried. I talked to friends. I talked to Donato’s teacher. I spoke with the school counselor. I spoke with a pediatrician, I spoke with my therapist, I spoke with my doctor...and I even spoke with my manager. I read all the articles arguing pros and cons of sending him back. I lost countless hours of sleep. I couldn’t shut my brain off...my anxiety was through the roof. And then...I sat in a dark room and tried to shut off all the noise in hopes of “hearing” my gut. The answer came Friday afternoon. We are keeping him home. We signed him up for 100% virtual online instruction.
I know it’s going to be a struggle. I know he may suffer setbacks academically, emotionally and behaviorally...but in the end, we just weren’t comfortable sending him back. There are too many unknowns regarding the virus. School officials couldn’t answer many of the hypothetical questions that were asked in town hall meetings because we have never been through something like this before.
Look, I have no idea how my husband and I are going to navigate having Donato at home full-time. We have no idea how we’re going to get him to pay attention to instruction online and complete his work. We have no idea when he’ll be able to socialize with his friends again. It all breaks my heart. I feel horrible for teachers who love what they do, but are worried for their own health and families. I feel bad for families who feel like they have to send their kids to school for various reasons. It all sucks. There is no good solution.
I know many of you are having a tough time deciding what you’re going to do about your kids. I wish you peace of mind. I wish you clarity. And most importantly, I wish you an abundance of health.