Comcast Business Spotlight

Comcast Business Spotlight

Comcast Business Spotlight Washington, DC. Presented by Comcast Business. Hear from key business leaders who contribute to the vibrant and growing community.


Darryl Wiggins, Chief Executive Officer, DigiDoc Inc.’s

DigiDoc Inc.’s Chief Executive Officer, Darryl Wiggins, is a social engineer that has uses his knowledge of technology and passion for serving the community to create economically sustainable initiatives’ that impact our community and the region. In 2016, Darryl founded the Committee of 100. The Committee of 100 is a group of men and women dedicated to the support of Ron Brown College Preparatory High School. By raising money and establishing small groups, focused on non-traditional experiences and academic enrichment, the Committee of 100 seeks to enhance the experience of every child that attends Ron Brown High School. Darryl founded the nonprofit, professionals organized with educational resources (P.O.W.E.R), back in 1990. P.O.W.E.R was a 501(c) 3 organized to provide life skills and technical expertise for DC Public school students. Through a program called the Saturday Academy, students from Cardozo High school met every Saturday, at the law firm of Covington and Burling, where they were trained on how to set up a network and work within the Microsoft office Software suite of Products. Darryl went on to further support technical training, within the District Public school system, by establishing the Digital Print Academy; a partnership between Xerox, Document Managers and DCPS’ office Career and Technical Education. As part of this collaboration, students attending Luke C. Moore were trained on how to operate and maintain Xerox digital printing technology. Under the leadership of Pastor Keith Battle, Darryl founded the Zion Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy (ZELA). ZELA provides support for aspiring entrepreneurs. Zion Church holds weekly classes that cover everything from determining market segmentation to learning how to prepare and read Company financials. It has been Darryl’s passion to ensure that technology fulfills its promise of creating economic opportunity and improving the lives of individuals in our most disenfranchised communities.

Darryl’s professional career has led him to work within the Public Sector for more than 25 years, both as a corporate executive, with Xerox and as the CEO/Founder of DigiDoc incorporated. During this career at Xerox, Darryl received several awards for Public services and job performance. Darryl received the Xerox President’s club award six times while working at the corporation. After leaving corporate America, Darryl pursed this entrepreneurial ambition and started a company, with two other ex-Xerox employees, called the Parin group. Darryl worked with the Parin Group for more than five years. Aspiring to take the next step, Darryl founded DigiDoc incorporated, which goes business today as the Public Sector Solution Group, (PS2G).

DigiDoc Inc. trading as PS2G employs more than 200 innovation driven professionals that operate in five states. With Revenue’s in excess of $30,000,000 annually PS2G is poised to take the next step from a boutique IT firm to a mature Systems Integrator. PS2G focuses specifically on providing innovative solutions to the challenges faced by Public Sector organizations. PS2G’s technology solutions have automated everything from how government Agencies receive invoices, to how public constituents reserve and determine availability for government run facilities. Over the past 17 years, DigiDoc Inc. doing business as PS2G has focused on providing a direct digital link between constituent request, for services, and the government’s ability to provide them.

In an effort diversify it holding DigiDoc acquire ownership in a Courtyard Marriott located in Waldorf Maryland. The hotel has upwards of 100 rooms, meeting space and an indoor pool.


 Minority Business Leadership Award (Washington Business Journal)-2016

 Company participation Award District of Columbia government (Marion S. Barry, Summer Youth employment Program)-2015

 Howard University School of Business “Top 45 Alumni Award”-2015

 100 Top MBE Firms in the state of Maryland-2010

 Small Business of the year (Deputy Major for Economic development)-2010

Professional Boards Appointments:

 Recreation Wish list Committee Board (supporting the Southeast Tennis and learning Center)

 The District of Columbia Workforce Investment Council (WIC Board)

 Chairman Regional Council (United Way of National Capital Area)

 Founder and Chairman of the “Committee of 100” (supporting the Ron Brown School for Boys)

 Howard University School of Business Executive Education Board

Service Awards:

 . For Dedicated Service, the Greater Washington (Urban League) IPTC 1994

 . Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Omega Chapter, Youth Service Award, 1993

 . Xerox Corporation Community Involvement Award 1993

 . Cardozo Senior High School, Certificate of Appreciation 1993

 . Basketball coach St. Augustine Catholic School 1992 &1993

 . Outstanding Participation Award (Brightwood Elementary) 1990, 91&92.

 . Outstanding Service to Children (Kingsman elementary) 1992

Political Affiliations:

 . Finance Committee and Vice Transition Chair (Mayor Adrian Fenty) (2006)

 National Finance Committee Barack Obama for President (2008)

 District of Columbia, Elected Obama Delegate (Democratic National Convention 2008)

 Campaign Chairman, (Mayor Muriel Bowers) City Council Races (2007-2015)

 . Campaign Chairman, (City Council Member Brandon Todd) (2015-2020)

 . National Finance Committee Elect “Kamala Harris for President” 2019

Darryl is a native Washingtonian and a graduate of the Howard University School of Business.

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