Got Ants? Here's How I Get Rid of Them

We've had a couple of nice warm days in a row, which means all the little ants are now marching into my house! This happens every spring... They come in through the front door and crawl across the wall and into my kitchen. We have black granite countertops so sometimes I don't even notice them until I see one crawling onto a plate and then I look closely and see them scurrying about! Totally disgusting.

Here's the deal... We all know those ant traps you buy at the store don't work very well. They just don't. But someone on Facebook shared this "recipe" for homemade ant killer with me a while ago and it has worked every time.

Should I write 17 more paragraphs about the ants in my kitchen before giving you the recipe? Ha, nope... I hate when recipe sites do that!

Here's what you need:

  • Borax (if you don't know what it is, you can find it in the laundry detergent section at the store)
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Paper towel
  • Cup (I usually use a plastic one)
  • Spoon

Put 1 spoonful of Borax and 1 spoonful of sugar into a cup. Add 1/4 cup of water. Stir.

Dip a paper towel or two into the mixture. Squeeze the excess liquid out. Fold it so it's about the size of a Pop Tart. Set it down in the path of the ants, preferably as close to where they're coming in as possible...

Don't freak out when you start to see a ton of ants swarming all over it. They will come for the sweet sugar, having no idea that the Borax it's mixed with will not be kind to them. They will bring it back to the nest and never return.

Give it about 24 hours... Repeat as necessary.

Let me know how this works out for you!

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