In general, most of us try to stay on our boss’s good side. But there are little things we do all the time that get on their nerves, and we don’t even realize it. Here are the things that drive your higher-ups crazy, according to real bosses.
You pack up and then ask what you can do – Sure, you mean well, but when you’ve already put your coat on and then step into your boss’s office to ask if they need anything else - you’re sending mixed signals. Amy Levy-Savage, president of Amy Levy Public Relations says she can’t say yes when you’ve already non-verbally communicated you’re ready to go by turning off your computer.
You reverse-delegate – David Chaumette, principal of Piccolo Management, explains that’s when you send a project back to your boss with so many questions that she ends up having to do the work herself.
You blow smoke up your boss's behind – As in you tell your boss what he wants to hear. "One of the most dangerous things about being a manager is that people stop telling you what they really think,” says Kim Scott, a former CEO. “So you don’t learn about it when you are about to screw up, or when people start to hate your guts.”
Your go-to excuse is "Because that's the way it's always been done" – This is the worst way to answer when your boss asks why you did something a certain way, according to Chris Reimer, Maryville University's associate director of new media. "Answering in this lazy manner shows no intellectual curiosity and no desire to improve oneself or one's company,” he explains. “And this attitude can negatively influence even the good employees."
You make a big production of why you were late to work - Leo Welder, founder of Choose What says when you can’t help being late, don’t make a big production when you do show up, talking to coworkers and distracting everyone from work with your story.