Jenni Chase

Jenni Chase

Jenni Chase wasn’t born in Texas, but as the saying goes, she got there as fast as she could. Her 30-year radio career began in college at Texas A&M...Full Bio


How to undecorate - and keep your sanity

If you want an easier way to take down and store your holiday decorations, the internet is chock full of ideas!

Yes, taking down the goodies is a let down and can be exhausting, but remember that we’ve all been there. That’s why these genius hacks exist! Here are some:

  • How to handle delicate ornaments. Choices include putting them in egg cartons, paper cups, apple containers, or using bubble wrapbefore you put them in a bin.
  • Don’t shove the tree back in a box. If you’ve ever had an artificial tree, you know they rarely fit in the box they came in. Now what? Get a soft sided carrier with handles!
  • Keep lights from tangling. Wrap your string lights around a piece of cardboard to keep them from getting tangled while they’re in storage.
  • Where to keep wrapping paper. Have leftover rolls? Find an umbrella stand, long storage bin, or garment bag to put them in.
  • While taking everything down, create a pile of stuff you just won’t use anymore and donate it.

Source: Today

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