If you want an easier way to take down and store your holiday decorations, the internet is chock full of ideas!
Yes, taking down the goodies is a let down and can be exhausting, but remember that we’ve all been there. That’s why these genius hacks exist! Here are some:
- How to handle delicate ornaments. Choices include putting them in egg cartons, paper cups, apple containers, or using bubble wrapbefore you put them in a bin.
- Don’t shove the tree back in a box. If you’ve ever had an artificial tree, you know they rarely fit in the box they came in. Now what? Get a soft sided carrier with handles!
- Keep lights from tangling. Wrap your string lights around a piece of cardboard to keep them from getting tangled while they’re in storage.
- Where to keep wrapping paper. Have leftover rolls? Find an umbrella stand, long storage bin, or garment bag to put them in.
- While taking everything down, create a pile of stuff you just won’t use anymore and donate it.
Source: Today