The holidays are over and we’re back to a full regular week at work and “normal” life. With the intensity of the season behind us, you’d think we would feel at peace and ready for some down time, but instead a lot of us feel as empty as our fridges are after the holiday leftovers have been tossed.
It’s what they call the “post-holiday blues” and many people feel this way. It may feel like depression, but it’s probably more a mood of loss. From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, the pace is hectic and there’s so much going on and even if it’s not all great, there’s a lot of fun parts and when it’s all over, we feel down and out. The good news? There are a few things we can do to resolve this unhappy feeling and take charge of our mood.
- Talk to somebody - Pick up the phone and actually call someone you enjoy talking to and care about, but instead of complaining about your mood, ask about the best part of their holiday.
- Get out of the house - Help shake off your mood by getting outside for a walk and a change of scenery, especially if all you want to do is binge-watch a show on the couch again.
- Reread greeting cards - Grab the stack of holiday cards you got this year and read them all. Getting out of your head and into someone’s else’s year-in-review newsletter may help.
- Look forward, not backward - Think of one thing you’d love to happen this year, not a huge life goal, but something attainable. Then make a plan to make it a reality.
- Start cooking - Get in the kitchen and cook something from scratch because it’s creative and active and stimulates different thinking.
- Slide-out of the holidays - When you watch TV, choose something that has nothing to do with the holidays so you don’t bring up all those feelings again.
Source: Psychology Today