Jenni Chase

Jenni Chase

Jenni Chase wasn’t born in Texas, but as the saying goes, she got there as fast as she could. Her 30-year radio career began in college at Texas A&M...Full Bio


If "Friends" took place in 2020

On this day (May 6th) in 2004, my favorite show EVER aired its' final episode...and as I watched the Bings, Rachel and Ross and Phoebe and Joey lay their keys to Monica and Chandler's apartment on the counter and walk out, I was bawling as if I had just lost MY best friends.

Oh, and I STILL cry every time I watch the farewell episode.

"Friends" has always been my go-to whenever I'm having a tough no surprise that I've been watching it a lot as we all quarantine at home...and I love what this musician did...he imagined what the show's iconic theme song would sound like if the show took place in 2020...and here's what he came up with!

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