After selling out over and over again last summer, the popular Alexandria Drive-In is back! It's located at 5001 Eisenhower Avenue and proceeds benefit two area non-profit organizations!
From family films to a musical to action and thriller pictures, there's something showing for everyone. Here's what's scheduled for March...
3/5 - Jurassic Park
3/6 - Despicable Me and Fate Of The Furious
3/12 - Back To The Future
3/13 - Minions and Get Out
3/19 - Hidden Figures
3/20 - Princess Bride
3/26 - Greatest Showman
3/27 - Remember The Titans
Get your tickets HERE...$40 per car.
UPDATED: here's what you can see in April...
4/2 - Shrek
4/3 - The Mummy
4/16 - Trolls
4/17 - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
4/23 - Mamma Mia
4/24 - Jurassic World
4/30 - Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs