As a dog lover and furmom, I always enjoy watching the WKCDS dog show every year - ALTHOUGH, I do get mad when my favorite breed, my beloved Shetland Sheepdog, never wins Best In Show! A Sheltie has NEVER been named BIS - why, I ask? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?
Sorry, rant over.
This year, over 3,200 dogs are competing and the Kennel Club is welcoming 2 new breeds to the show: the Mudi and the Russian Toy Terrier.
The Mudi is a herding dog from Hungary - and since I love me some herders (Shelties are herding dogs, if ya didn't know), I'm excited that this breed is now being recognized.
Also new...the Russian Toy Terrier, which has been a popular pooch with the Russian aristocracy.