I recently was outside my condo when I saw a baby bird, on the grass, struggling to get around. It looked to me like something was wrong with one of its' legs...so I started to worry about a predator getting ahold of it. I've never found a bird in such a position before, so I called Second Chance Wildlife Center in Gaithersburg to ask for advice. They requested a photo of the bird so I sent one and was told I had come across a baby mourning dove. They asked me if I had seen any adult doves around - I hadn't. I was advised to keep an eye on the baby and if, by nightfall, it was still in the same spot outside, to put it in a shoebox with breathing holes and a towel inside, and place it in a warm, dark space until I could get it to the center. I put it on a shelf in my bedroom closet.
This was a nerve wracking experience for me. All afternoon, I kept going outside about every half hour to check on the baby. I was so afraid a feral cat or someone's dog would attack it. I spent a sleepless night, praying it would still be alive in the morning. I worried about it all the next day while I was at work. Raced home to see how it was - and breathed a huge sigh of relief when I opened the box...and saw that it was still alive!!!
Took it to the center and was told that yes, indeed, it was injured - a broken leg. They said they would put a splint on it and keep it for a few weeks to rehab it, then set it free.
I've been trying to get an update on the baby dove. If I do, will share the news.
Poor lil thing! Photo: Me
Hope it's doing ok! Photo: Me