These are a tear-jerker for me. What a cool idea to have "engagement" style photos taken of elderly couples who have been together for decades! I love this. It's so rare to see this love at such an age, but I was fortunate to be surrounded by it for a good 20 or so years of my life. My next door neighbors growing up in Clinton, Aunt Alice and Uncle Charlie as we affectionately referred to them, were together for over 60 years. They were like grandparents to me as my parents are both Italian immigrants and my grandparents lived in Italy. Growing up next door to Uncle Charlie and Aunt Alice I saw what true love looked like. Sitting in their personal Lay-Z-Boy recliners taking turns doing the cross word puzzle. Washing and drying the dishes together by hand, even though they had a dish washer. And when Aunt Alice died, Uncle Charlie, who was a musician, played "Amazing Grace" on a toy saxophone, because his lungs were no longer strong enough to play the actual instrument. I miss them. They've both passed away, but the memories of their love inspire me every day to appreciate my husband, Justin and respect our marriage the way they respected and protected theirs.
Sabrina loves being on the air in her hometown! Born and raised in the DMV, Sabrina grew up in Clinton and went to Bishop Ireton High School in...Full Bio