So you're telling me all this time I have been doing this wrong?! C'mon! According to this article from one of my favorite magazines, Real Simple, the thing most of us do wrong when we make our s'mores comes down to how to we toast the 'mallow. If you just shove a marshmallow on a SINGLE stick, the fire to marshmallow distribution isn't maximized, so you end up with one burnt side, one cold side and one melty side. This results in a quasi cold, but burnt marshmallow not evenly melting your chocolate square and thus, being kind of a mess, not in a good way. This article claims if you DOUBLE UP ON THE SKEWERS (mind-blowing, I know) your marshmallow will toast evenly ensuring the perfect s'more.
Sabrina loves being on the air in her hometown! Born and raised in the DMV, Sabrina grew up in Clinton and went to Bishop Ireton High School in...Full Bio