When I saw this list, I was hoping it was going to be foods to avoid because they aren't safe to eat for one reason or another, a peak behind the curtain of things are made at convenience stores. Some of these things on the list are like that, but a lot of them are foods that will either dehydrate you, upset your stomach or increase the number of pitstops you'll need to make on your road trip. Of course, I eat all of these when I'm on a drive to the beach or upstate New York to visit my in-laws, namely beef jerky and soda.
- Packaged Wraps or Sandwiches
- Fast Food
- Sunflower Seeds
- Milkshakes
- Cooked Meats
- Soft Drinks or Seltzer
- Candy
- Salty Chips
- Beef Jerky
- Tomatoes
- Citrus
- Spicy Foods
- Coffee or Caffeinated Tea
I ask you, what am I supposed to eat on a road trip then?!
The article below will break down the reasons to avoid each one of these foods and you can weigh the risks to see if it's still worth grabbing on your trip to Myrtle Beach.